The global pandemic that has swept the world in the last two years has affected most of the population. However, the pandemic has also had an indirect effect on water resources in the water sector. One such example is the almost borderline depletion of groundwater reserves at the Koberovy site, Jablonec nad Nisou district.
The area of interest is interesting from a geological and hydrogeological point of view only because it is located on the border of the Podkrkonoše and Bohemian Cretaceous basins. It is an area with a small catchment area, lower rainfall and also higher groundwater abstractions, i.e. an ideal location for the problem that came at the turn of 2020 and 2021.
In the Koberovy community, groundwater withdrawals from the water supply pumping facility, the drilled well KH-3, increased threefold over the area‘s groundwater table during this period. This has created a significant problem affecting groundwater management in the area. Thanks to the established system of express pumping tests at the intake facilities managed by Severočeské vodovody a kanalizací, a.s. (referred to as SčVK) and field investigations at the site, causes have been identified and solutions proposed that are not ideal from the point of view of the water supply hydrogeologist. As a result, the hydrogeologist recommended adjusting the pumping regime, which was to „buy time“ until the necessary change in the concept of supplying, the area of interest, with drinking water.
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