The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the broader context of increased nitrate concentrations in the Březová nad Svitavou water source, which is the largest source of underground drinking water in the Czech Republic. It supplies the Brno agglomeration and other surrounding municipalities with quality drinking water with a total volume of 27 million cubic meter per year. Based on the results of the experiments carried out so far, it is possible to describe some undesirable effects of soil degradation caused by the long-term use and overuse of industrial nitrogen fertilizers. There are adverse changes in physical, chemical and biological characteristics. The subsoil is compacted, it is difficult for crops to penetrate into greater depths, the root system is deformed, and as a result the plants are more sensitive to drought. The easiest solution in this most vulnerable area would be to change conventional farming into organic one. If there would be not enough goodwill and necessary resources for this change, the authors of the study recommend a significant, if not complete, reduction of mineral fertilization and the maximum possible reduction of applications of plant protection products. Missing nutrients could be delivered through compost, possibly through composted biochar, by changing of crop rotation, by multi-species intercrops or covercrops, etc. In the proposed modifications could be expected deeper rooting into the soil, progressive regeneration of soil life and thus also the water regime in the landscape.