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Ing. Gabriel Markovič, PhD., Ústav pozemného staviteľstva, SvF, TU v Košiciach

Rainwater is largely perceived as a waste water in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic, which should be divert as soon as possible to the sewage system. For many years it was mostly only one way of drainage of buildings and paved surfaces generally called “conventional way” of drainage. This paper describes the possibility of using rainwater in the school building, on the basis of the measured volume of rainwater runoff draining from the roof construction. The data were compared with the theoretical values of the water needs for the building.

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Ing. Gabriel Markovič, PhD., Ústav pozemného staviteľstva, SvF, TU v Košiciach

This paper describes measured data and evaluation of water consumption in a family house, where secondary source of water was introduced - water from a well. Potable water was fully replaced by well water for the purpose of flushing toilets and laundry . This paper also describes the measurement data of stormwater runoff from the roof of the school building as a potential alternative water source for this building. Next step was the comparison of the current potable water consumption in the building with inflowed rainwater and evaluation of its potential for supplying the object in case of accumulation of this water.

Ing. Petr Vacek

Apartment buildings often deal with the question whether it is preferable to install gas boiler in every apartment or to build boiler room and transport heat to apartments. The article proposes a procedure to obtain information for decision.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D.

Paper shows the results of laboratory testing of heat exchanger and its application in real operation in household. Although the efficiency of shower heat exchanger reaches even above 40 %, achieved energy savings for hot water preparation range between 10 and 15 %.

Ing. Pavel Kvasnička, Ing. Michal Kabrhel

The introduction of stricter Ecodesign requirements for products associated with the consumption and production of energy is related to a smooth transition to the use of gas condensing boilers. In practice, exchanges of old boilers meet incorrect interpretation and perceptions about the benefits of condensing boilers. The article therefore assesses the impact of condensation theory and measurement and answers some practical issues.

Ing. Karel Plotěný, Ing. Jan Vacek

There are a number of hydrogeological sites unsuitable for construction - there is nowhere to drain and building in the inappropriate area creates barriers to drain rainwater from the site. Then, the only solution is to minimize runoff.

Ing. Pavel Kvasnička, Ing. Michal Kabrhel

The introduction of stricter Ecodesign requirements for products associated with the consumption and production of energy is related to a smooth transition to the use of gas condensing boilers. In practice, exchanges of old boilers meet incorrect interpretation and perceptions about the benefits of condensing boilers. The article therefore assesses the impact of condensation theory and measurement and answers some practical issues.

Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The article deals with possibilities of using heat from waste water discharged by outlet pipes of house appliances. The first section describes the basic possibilities of the local heat recovery (recuperation), used mainly in showers and shower baths. Theoretical analysis of the efficiency and related achievable savings is supported by an experimental measurement of a selected type of recuperative heat exchanger. The results of the measurement are compared with the classification according to the Passive House Institute. In addition to the efficiency and energy savings achieved by deploying the recuperative heat exchanger, the economic return of the specific heat exchanger is also determined for different boundary conditions.

Ing. Karel Plotěný, Ing. Jan Vacek

In practise we meet more and more places that are not connected to the utility network and must be dealt individually. At the same time number of technical solutions which can tackle this task as effectively as possible and take individual requirements into account is increasing. Solutions range reaches from small savings in water consumption to total replacement of drinking water, from the use of gray water for flushing to its full recyclation.

Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D., Bc. Matěj Mazur

The article describes the requirements for domestic hot water in residential houses. It deals with determining the need for hot water depending on the type of house, hot water consumption profile in residential buildings and with three basic methods for designing storage hot water tank and heat output of hot water heaters.

Ing. Anna Bradáčová

The article compares legislative regulations in hot water preparing and their impact on the determination of hot water requirements. It is based on analysis of hot water consumption in hotels compared with hot and cold water requirements. The influence and aplication of the legislative regulation are described in relation to reducing warm water energy consumption.

Ing. Josef Hodboď, TZB-info, redakce

The question is: is gas condensing boiler with a hot water flow requiring power of 24 kW suitable for the apartment with little heat loss? Because under these conditions for the entire heating time, or a large part, boiler will cycle. Will this cycling be negatively reflected on the natural gas bill?

Kotel Intergas
Ing. Josef Hodboď, TZB-info, redakce

The question is: is gas condensing boiler with a hot water flow requiring power of 24 kW suitable for the apartment with little heat loss? Because under these conditions for the entire heating time, or a large part, boiler will cycle. Will this cycling be negatively reflected on the natural gas bill?

Ing. Dagmar Kopačková, Ph.D., redakce

Water prices drop in most of the Pilsen region. Minister of environment Richard Brabec asks: Where goes the rest of the water charges if the state has 2 CZK/m3 of water. Who earns on the water? Minister calls for a national debate about water prices.

Waterwise, překlad Martin Svoboda, Oxijet

2000 respondents were asked about their water usage for personal hygiene and other common purposes. Respondets were also asked about their water-saving knowledge, using that knowledge and about reasons why to save water.

RNDr. Hana Prchalová, Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, v.v.i., Asociace pro využití tepelných čerpadel

Relatively common requirements for the amount of surface water has led in most European countries that did not deal with the amount of surface water, or only as usage requirements. The newly discovered but long dry periods, higher demands on water abstraction and the first forecasts of the expected climate change.

RNDr. Svatopluk Šeda, Asociace pro využití tepelných čerpadel

In order to prepare for the period of water shortage, and be able to predict these periodst, we should have all data about water wells and a man who cares about the data and interprets it.

RNDr. Josef V. Datel, Ph.D., Ing. Anna Hrabánková, Zdeněk Pištora, Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský TGM, v.v.i.,, Asociace pro využití tepelných čerpadel

1200 municipalities in the Czech Republic has no public water and residents are dependent on individual sources or municipal wells. According to the Law on Water Supply and Sewerage 2130 there waterworks operators to keep emergency supplies. More than 95 % of them relate to small communities.

Ing. Vladimír Jirmus, Bob Drew

Gray water recycling requirement for construction of new buildings of a certain size becomes mandatory in some areas. It can be expected that over time this trend will spread into areas that are prone to lack of drinking water, or the lack of treatment capacity impedes economic growth.

Ing. Renata Biela, Ph.D., Ing. Lucie Šopíková

The article describes the sources, forms and health risks of lead in water and mainly removal of lead from water using sorption materials CFH 0818, Bayoxide E33 and GEH. The results of laboratory measurement show that all three materials were able to reduce lead concentrations well below the limit of decree no. 252/2004 Sb. Overall, the best results in the removal of lead from the water reaches the sorption material Bayoxide E33. Furthermore, it was shown that the used sorption materials have an effect on the removal of iron and manganese from water.

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