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Archiv článků od 21.8.2017 do 9.4.2018

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Ing. Jan Vacek, ASIO

Rainwater can be captured and used directly. After simple mechanical cleaning it is suitable for irrigation or flushing toilet, cleaning, car wash or laundry. The basic choice is the pumping of rainwater. The article describes the possibilities.

Ing. Jakub Vrána, Ph.D., Ústav TZB, Fakulta stavební VUT v Brně

Revised CSN EN 12897 “Water Supply – Indirectly heated pressure (closed) storage water heaters” applies to indirectly heated pressure container heaters up to a volume of 2000 liters usable in internal water conduits at overpressure from 0.05 MPa to 1.0 MPa. The author draws attention to important provisions of the standard that will be reflected in practice.

Ing. Milan Dermek, doc. Ing. Mikuláš Monoši, PhD.

The article deals with the issue of water transport by hose lines to fire. It describes pump connections when transporting water according to required parameters at the intervention site. Compares how the hose line is connected and determines the suitability of its use.

©  adrian_ilie825 -
Ing. Karel Mrázek

The article deals with the economic assessment of energy saving measures as a further continuation of the topic of reconstruction of HVAC systems in apartment buildings. Selection of economical lifespan for selected elements and functional parts with preventive maintenance costs is provided. Finally, an example of the apartment building evaluation is given.

prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc., Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.

Family houses with the concept of electric heating by means of an electric boiler or electric direct heating system and the preparation of hot water in an electrically heated tank do not meet the requirement for the energy performance of buildings. The authors analyze the magnitude of the conversion factor and other parameters that would meet ENB requirements.

© M-Rido -
Ing. Alena Horáková

The first article of the series on energetic reconstruction HVAC systems in residential buildings is focused on the preparation of project with minimum necessary information that should be prior to any commencement reconstruction. In current practice this part is significantly neglected.

Ing. Josef Hodboď, Ing. Petr Bohuslávek

This describes a typical replacement of the old suspended gas boiler in the apartment. The reason for the exchange was not only the effort to save gas but also to protect our health and life, ie to eliminate the risks associated with older boilers with the air supply from the room.

Ing. Milan Krafčík, doc. Ing. Jana Peráčková, PhD.

The paper presents the results of the experimental measurement of cold and hot water flows in the reconstructed pipeline of a residential building. The measured flows are compared to the calculation values according to STN 73 6655, DIN 1988-300 and the values computed by the calculation program. The results can be applied to the optimization of the design of internal water mains as well as the optimization of the design of the hot water preparation plant and its heat source.

Ing. Stanislav Frolík, Ph.D., katedra technických zařízení budov, ČVUT v Praze, fakulta stavební

Lecturer of Water Management Systems, Stanislav Frolík, Ph.D., briefly summed up what should be taken into account and what decides on a meaningful solution of waste water utilization, including topical issue of rainwater.

Lucie Pančíková, ZO ČSOP Koniklec, ZO ČSOP Koniklec

Heat has a number of negative health effects. An effective way to respond to the situation is to increase the share of green areas in the city. Green and its presence in the city is essential to make the big cities habitable in the future.

MUDr. František Kožíšek, CSc., Státní zdravotní ústav, vedoucí Národního referenčního centra pro pitnou vodu SZÚ

No foreign certificate can be used to verify the product for contact with drinking water in the Czech Republic. A foreign protocol on the leach test is sufficient if it is obvious that it is identical to the test specified in the Decree No. 409/2005 Coll.

Ing. Petr Bican, Ph.D., Zdeněk Lovicar

The authors compare the measured data on the production and use of electricity produced by the solar photovoltaic power plant with the total electricity consumption in the production area of the company. The second part of the article is based on considerations about the use of overproduction of electricity for heating and hot water preparation and its economy.

Ing. Petr Bican, Ph.D., Zdeněk Lovicar

The authors compare the measured data on the production and use of electricity produced by the solar photovoltaic power plant with the total electricity consumption in the production area of the company. The second part of the article is based on considerations about the use of overproduction of electricity for heating and hot water preparation and its economy.

MUDr. František Kožíšek, CSc., Státní zdravotní ústav, vedoucí Národního referenčního centra pro pitnou vodu SZÚ

Many countries have developed their national regulations on requirements for one or more types of recycled water, to some extent depending on how these waters are used. Similar recommendations have been made by some international organizations.

MUDr. František Kožíšek, CSc., Státní zdravotní ústav, vedoucí Národního referenčního centra pro pitnou vodu SZÚ

What should be hygienists attitude to using recycled water? The approach should be unprejudiced, but critical, based on the precautionary principle. It can not be expected in the future that hygienists will particularly encourage water recycling in the Czech Republic, especially in contact with people and food.

Ing. Jakub Vrána, Ph.D., Ústav TZB, Fakulta stavební VUT v Brně

The change of Z1 ČSN 75 5411 was processed mainly due to the incorporation of water meter shaft requirements without the necessity for persons entry (so-called microshaft) into this standard. Current version of ČSN 75 5411 of April 2006 did not mention the water meter shaft without the necessity for entry of persons, and there were doubts as to whether such water meter shafts on the water connections are permissible.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

The paper deals with the experimental determination of heat losses of reservoirs (hot water storage tanks, heaters, heat reservoirs). It shows how the thermal loss of the tank itself, determined by the correct procedure in accordance with the standard, can be different from the loss of the reservoir connected to the thermal system.

Ing. Karel Plotěný, ASIO

Models where the only solution is either a central cleaning or a balancing basin (the toilets are flushing) are long overdue even in Europe, just after several lines. For example, Germany officially withdrew from the effort to drain the whole country centrally in the 1990s when it judged that such behavior was both non-economic and non-ecological and "unsustainable".

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