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Středisko pro efektivní využívání energie, o.p.s.

Innovative approach evaluates the extent of the energy used quite effectively (in hot water) for the various types of storage heaters - that are based on uniform assessment base. This approach is very different compared to today introduced inland evaluation of energy performance heaters, according to which they are monitored and evaluated only heat loss at a standstill.

Ing. Gabriel Markovič, PhD., Ústav pozemného staviteľstva, SvF, TU v Košiciach

Infiltration system is technical equipment absorbing the excess of rainwater that flows from rooftops, roads, car parks and other buildings. Rainwater management and infiltration systems are very important for rainwater drainage and they offer us many ecological and economical benefits and last but not least they represent widening of technical solution scale for rainwater efficient use.

Ing. Stanislav Piňos, ASIO

Sewage water contains organic compounds, thermal and kinetic energy, the amount is about 9 times higher than is needed for cleaning. The biggest source of heat energy are beyond the wastewater treatment plants, hotels, schools, restaurants, hostels, administrative buildings and other public facilities. Also, a wellness center, swimming pools, spas, and hospitals.

Potřeba tepla pro přípravu teplé vody
Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí, Univerzitní Centru energeticky Efektivních Budov ČVUT v Praze

The author assesses individual methods of the calculation and compares the suitability of their use for four different types of facilities (a single family house, multiple dwelling house with 23 apartments, block of flats with 105 apartments, and a sport centre).

Ing. Zdeněk Žabička

At present harmonization CSN 73 6660 Water supply in buildings [7] with the European standard [1] is being in process. After its completion it will finally be available a comprehensive normative means for the proper design and operation of water supply system. The revised standard [7] will be based on the entire European standard [1] and will be complemented by the Czech conditions. In particular it will deal in detail putting into operation of water supply system including its disinfection.

Ing. Renata Biela, Ph.D., Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav vodního hospodářství obcí

The article describes the sources and forms of iron and manganese in water, their health limits and possibilities removal of iron and manganese from the water. The most widely used method of removing these elements from water is oxidation, but are described also other options.

Bazénová vzduchotechnika
doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D., Ing. Vít Měrka

The article deals with the current practical problems associated with the swiming pool hall design issues and implementation of air conditioning systems. Describes the key causes of adverse conditions of internal microclimate. Points to the irreplaceable cooperation mutually cooperating professions, especially with regard to measurement and control of HVAC systems. Here, the article points out the lack of monitoring during the real operation of equipment, including quantification of actual operating costs. These are closely associated with a primary HVAC equipment design itself - pool unit. Its amenities, structure, designed air treatment and subsequent control with regard to the real operating conditions are a determining factor in the effective design and operation. Case studies are compared to alternative solutions and that "as we used to" and "with the active measurement and control system combined with advanced design methods."

porucha vodovodu, oprava přípojky
Mgr. Ivan Kováčik na základě zkušeností Ing. Aleše Zapletala z INSTA CZ

Disturbances in the water network can be determined by operator on the basis of monitoring of unevenness curves of daily drinking water consumption. In the case of smaller municipalities, water consumption in the night is almost zero. If it’s not zero for long term monitoring, it is necessary to determine the cause of increased consumption and to find the fault.

Ing. Dagmar Kopačková, Ph.D., redakce

Although in the Roman houses bath can be already found, even in the 18th century bathroom was a luxury. Today, the choice of materials, accessories and installation options is wide. When choosing a bathtub it is necessary to choose material and bath accessories in accordance with fittings and application requirements.

upravený překlad: Ing. A. Chyba

This paper describes the basic concepts of pumping technology - characteristics of the pump, and resistive characteristics of system, operating point, and deals with the result effect of the series of the circulator in serial and parallel connection.

separační proces úpravy vody
Ing. Tomáš Kučera, Ph.D., Ing. Petra Vašalovská

The effectiveness of a flotation separation process used in water treatment is influenced by many factors. The paper presents partial results of research on this topic, namely the saturation effect is demonstrated by the treated water and the location of the barrier between the contact and separation zone.

hybridní solární kolektor
Ing. Luboš Buchta, ČVUT

The article presents the current state of the issue of flat hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (FVT) collectors, focused on the differences between the basic types of collectors, their advantages and disadvantages. There is also presented an overview of the current global manufacturers. The article aims to highlight the problems but also the opportunities associated with different types of the hybrid FVT collectors.

Ing. Dušan Slobodník, ENBRA Slovakia s.r.o.

Hydraulic control of heating systems means - except hydraulic control of central heating - hot water system control. Despite the fact that hot water system control is the duty of the law, unlike hydraulic control of heating systems that have been implemented since 1998, hot water systems are controlled sporadically.

Mgr. Radomír Dohnal

Chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation over the territory of the Czech republic are subject to long-term monitoring. In principle, source (point and diffuse) of pollution can be divided into caused by human activities and natural resources, mostly related to aeolian activity, increased by dust or volcanic activity.

Nároky na plochu jsou u flotace menší než u klasických technologií
Ing. Renata Biela, Ph.D., Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav vodního hospodářství obcí

The air flotation started to use in the area of drinking water treatment at first abroad, where in the second half of last century was used as a first stage of the two-stage water treatment plant. Flotation was used first time in the Czech Republic in the water treatment plant Mostiště in 2005. At the present time this process have started to promote mainly by reconstruction of drinking water treatment plants.

foto D. Kopačková
Ing. Dagmar Kopačková, Ph.D., redakce

In terms of energy savings Annex 11 of the Decree is very interesting. It sets the intensity of the recirculation of water for bathing and swimming pools. The requirement for continuous measurement of the intensity of recirculation and its recording for each pool separately is effective from 31st December 2015.

Ing. Gabriel Markovič, Ústav pozemného staviteľstva, SvF, TU v Košiciach

This paper addresses the use of rainwater runoff from surface to supply buildings. In the future drinking water supplies will steadily decrease but need of drinking water, given the continued growth of the population, is still rising. Although flat roofs are just a fraction of the total area of urban surface runoff, even small tanks have a favorable influence on the drainage area. Previously, it was a concrete tank, today is the most common plastic material.
The article is a contribution to the issue of the use of rain water from surface runoff for water supply buildings. It analyzes and reflects on how you can use rain water in building, the basic layout of rain water tanks and describes design method of calculating the volume of the tank and the volume of water in the tank.

Ing. Helena Wierzbická

The biodegradable waste is commonly contained in solid household waste. Its amount is not neglected and its value is great for reusing, so it is necessary to determine suitable systems for dealing with this specific component. The hydraulic piping system helps to solve questions about collection, sorting and transport this type of waste. The paper introduces systems for transport biodegradable waste and speaks about their advantages, disadvantages and areas of their suitable using.

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