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Ing. Zdeněk Žabička

Design of material internal water supply must contain conditions for implementation and operation of the work. Completion certificate must include a properly prepared documentation of the actual design and also the conditions for its proper operation. The client (operator) of the work should be involved in the design of the material.

Ing. Zdeněk Žabička

Builders in large settlements are forced to use the accumulation and infiltration of rainwater. Proper design nivelity lawns can capture all the rainwater. The legislative requirement for preferential infiltration does not require to apply infiltration facilities in all new buildings.

Ing. Helena Bellingová

The author in his paper examines in detail the individual steps that make up the course selection process for energy services provider. Special focus is on the evaluation of the bids submitted in the tender.

Ing. Jakub Vrána, Ph.D., Ústav TZB, Fakulta stavební VUT v Brně

Too big water meter is financially disadvantageous for the customer. Water meter is chosen by operator on the request of a plumber, which includes an indication of water flow needed for the building. Specialist should check whether the water meter was chosen correctly.

Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí, Univerzitní Centru energeticky Efektivních Budov ČVUT v Praze

The author describes methods of calculation for the size (volume) of storage tanks regarding the central heating of WSW (Warm Service Water) in three different methods and approaches to the said problem. The author counts to summarize the problem in three independent parts due to the fact that it relates to the complex problem closely connected with a building specific energy demand, which is exceeding the contents of one article. The second part is to be dedicated to other methods of the design, particularly to the design pursuant to the standard ČSN EN 15316-3. The author shall evaluate results of calculations with specified methods and shall compare the appropriateness of their use for the application as to the family house and the apartment dwelling house in the third part.

Ing. Karel Plotěný, JUDr. František Severin, JUDr. Alena Kliková, Ph.D.

Setting the real price for water treatment will cause increasing of the decentralized solutions. For objects without a continuous operation a septic tank is suitable in combination with final water purification system. What the Building Act, Water Act and other regulations? The interpretation of current legislation for sewage disposal is object of this paper.

doc. Ing. Ladislav Böszörményi, CSc., TU Košice

The rate of environmental burden of conventional heating system is directly proportional to fuel consumption and inversely proportional to specific heating effect. However, it significantly influenced by the type of fuel and quality of combustion.

Miroslav Haluza, Jan Macháček

This paper includes results of the research financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic within Project MSM0021630516. Authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from European Regional Development Fund under project No.CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0014.

Ing. Radim Mifek, VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav vodního hospodářství obcí

Monitoring of wastewater from different types of sewer systems showed significant differences in mean concentrations of indicators of vacuum, pressure and gravity sewers. The results of monitoring of waste water at the pressure and vacuum system showed a higher concentration of contamination of raw sewage.

Ing. Dagmar Kopačková, Ph.D., redakce

The galvanized steel pipes for a house, the designer must specify precisely all the requirements based on their professional experience requirements of standards and regulations. To ensure durability of galvanized steel water supply pipes for a period of 50 years, it is practically impossible.

Ing. Richard Kuk, PUDIS a.s.

In this article, structural design of selected parts of the dewatering system of the living com-plex is described, the impact of construction procedure on particular parts of the living com-plex is discussed and first experience from the operation of the dewatering system is menti-oned. Further, the expert opinion of selected manager is added and the principles of service regula-tions are presented.

Kořenové čistírny odpadních vod  představují levný a snadno obsluhovatelný systém
Ing. Petr Polák

The article shows the pros and cons of the root of sewage treatment plants, the basic operating principles, factors influencing the effectiveness and suitability / unsuitability for the use of certain types of wastewater. Root wastewater treatment plants are inexpensive and easy to operate system, able to reduce pollution to acceptable levels for discharge into waterways.

Ing. Richard Kuk, PUDIS a.s.

Paper describes design progres of surface drainage of residential area for approximately 1 800 inhabitants on area of 9 hectares (ha). Philosophy of rain water management is based on rain water drainage combined surface and shallow un-dersurface equipments connecting residential blocks with stream. Paper advert to several unusual factors, that are not occured in classic sewerage drainage of rain water. But in design used surface and shallow undersurface equipments these factors show cardinal importace for general conception of water drainage. Described is maximum investor effort to save money and possible negative impact on general conception of water drainage.

Ing. Tatiana Mifková

In the pilot project was built a model for partitioning and accumulation of yellow water. The object of the pilot project was to design and to verify an appropriate length of storage of yellow water so that it can be used in agriculture. The result is a recommendation to store 6-9 měsíclů yellow water before use.

Vlastimil Růžička, redakce

Much has been written about this Moravian Village at the foot of the White Carpathian Mountains. It is renown for its environmental projects, it has been visited by many prominent personalities and it is considered an example of energy saving and environmental construction. This time, we have focused on a passive house that works as a model of environmental projects in rural areas.

Ing. Jakub Vrána, Ph.D., Ústav TZB, Fakulta stavební VUT v Brně

Because the current regulations [2], [3] prefer rainwater infiltration, and there was no detailed technical regulation for drainage facilities design, then a technical tool [4] was issued and a new standard ČSN 75 9010 is being prepared, addressing the technical aspects of design, construction and operation rainwater infiltration facilities. This paper posts information about how design drainage facilities, which is in the draft of the new standard ČSN 75 9010.

doc. Ing. Ján Ilavský, PhD., doc. Ing. Danka Barloková, PhD.

Heavy metals impair the quality of water resources and the need for complex water treatment technologies. Dangerous is the capacity to accumulate heavy metals in plants and animal flesh, then at higher concentrations their toxicity. Monitored as mercury, arsenic, antimony, cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel.

doc. Ing. Zuzana Vranayová, PhD., Ing. Daniela Očipová, Ing. Zuzana Karelová, Stavebná fakulta, Technická univerzita Košice

Stormwater management is quite a new topic in Slovakia. There is no legal framework as well as standards or guidelines how to apply sustainable stormwater management techniques. As a consequence of repeated floods we are aware of a need for more effective stormwater handling. There are numerous techniques and approaches known around the world how to support sustainable stormwater management, especially in the urban areas, where the stormwater can cause significant damages. Nowadays we are more open to implement these new approaches especially in cases, where the effort is sustainability in stormwater management such as protection against floods and mitigation of pollution. The aim is to manage stormwater as close to source as possible which is also called source control covering number of measures. Rainwater harvesting as a part of the source control measures could contribute to the sustainability in stormwater management as well, by supporting potable water conservation and sustainability in water management in general. Submitted theoretical part of the thesis describes comprehensive stormwater management approaches as well as legislative framework.

Ing. Jakub Vrána, Ph.D., Ústav TZB, Fakulta stavební VUT v Brně

Current legislation, in particular Decree No. 268/2009 Coll. and Decree No. 269/2009 Coll. prefer to deal primarily draining rainwater infiltration. The technical requirements for infiltration facilities in the Czech Republic are still lacking. ČKAIT issued a technical tool TP 1.20 in 2010 and now comes the new standard.

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