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Archiv článků od 9.6.2014 do 9.3.2015

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Ing. Renata Biela, Ph.D., Bc. Andrea Wagnerová

Pool water treatment is associated with a dose of disinfectants. Chlorine is the most common disinfectant, which is used for treatment of swimming pool water. Nowadays chlorine-free disinfections are tested, however chlorine is used in various forms for swimming pool water disinfection about 100 years. The article discusses the use of chlorine preparations for swimming pool water disinfection and giving practical examples of water disinfection in six swimming pool campuses.

RNDr. Petr Čížek, A až Zet, Praha

Application forms for permits for the abstraction of groundwater are not uniformly understood and completed today. Correct completion of certain sections, as well as assessing the impact on nearby wells, requires knowledge not only of the annual quantity of water withdrawn. It is also necessary to take the time variation needs into account. For its estimate there is no prescription today. This article proposes how to understand and fill out these sections of the hydrological point of view. The hydrogeological assessments of same wells and plots must be based on the same initial values. This article proposes to use the principles of the defunct Guideline (1973) for calculation of maximum daily and monthly water consumption and for minimum required yield of wells. Calculations are based on annual water requirements set by legislation in force today.

Ing. Renata Biela, Ph.D., Bc. Ilona Ševčíková

The article discusses the possibilities of processing sludge from water treatment plants. Describes facilities for thickening and dewatering of water treatment sludge. In the Czech Republic for sludge thickening are most often used different types of tanks, flotation is used less. For sludge dewatering are used gravity dewatering facilities – sludge beds and sludge lagoons, from machine dewatering facilities are most commonly used filter presses and centrifuges.

Ing. Renata Biela, Ph.D., Bc. Jiří Konečný

Cadmium is a component of some pigments and used as a stabilizer of some thermoplastics, eg. PVC. In the combustion of fossil fuels, plastics, and passes cadmium into the atmosphere. Subsequently, the heavy metal gets due to atmospheric water from contaminated atmosphere into the soil.
The article describes the sources, forms and health risks of cadmium in water and mainly removal of cadmium from water using sorption materials CFH 0818, Bayoxide E33 and GEH. The results of laboratory measurement show that all three materials were able to reduce cadmium concentrations well below the limit of decree no. 252/2004 Sb.

Bc. Štěpánka Waisová

By considering the savings on the cost of water and sewerage return using gray water in a small hotel in the Krušné hory showed that the payback period is around 10 years with the aqueous saving of about 20 000 CZK per year. The solution is both economical and environmentally friendly and natural resources.

Mgr. Oldřich Sklenář

Waste water that ends up in the sewer network contains a large amount of energy. Utilization of this energy, which is also available throughout whole year, is not yet part of the standard engineering practice in the Czech Republic. This article brings an inspiration in the form of experience from Austrian city of Amstetten, where was implemented a project, which is using combination of a sewage heat exchanger and a heat pump. State of the art as the same as the factors affecting the utilization of waste heat are also included.

výměník tepla pro odpadní kanalizační potrubí
doc. Ing. Jana Peráčková, PhD., Ing. Veronika Podobeková

The heat from the waste water can be taken from external or internal drainage. In case of external drainage is a pipe with flow min. 15 l/s and pipe diameter min. 800 m. Waste heat in buildings can be used to preheat the hot water.

doc. Ing. Jana Peráčková, PhD., Ing. Veronika Podobeková

Removed from the building drainage wastewater with an average temperature of 10 °C and 25 °C. Heat recovered from wastewater can be optimally used in low-energy buildings for low-temperature heating, space cooling at high temperature and also to preheat domestic hot water.

Dělnická kolonie Santa Emilia v Nikaragui
Ing. David Sýkora, Ph.D., CSc., Katedra městského inženýrství a stavitelství, Fakulta stavební, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava

The emergence of the working colonies of coffee plantations in Nicaragua is one of the most interesting construction projects in which is utilized the “Grow Your Own House” theory. In 2008, a Spanish design office developed a project based on environmental principles with the use of local material resources and subsequently there was built a self-sufficient colony Santa Emilia for coffee plantation workers in Matgapalga, Nicaragua.

dotace na zateplení rodinného domu
Ing. Jan Antonín, Ing. Zdeněk Ročárek, Ing. Petr Kotek, Ph.D.

Which buildings can receive grants from the Green Savings Programme, amount of the grants and what technical details cover the energy audit? Part A in this article covers the specific questions (building’s envelope rennovation). A sample of 16 family houses that comply with all the required conditions of the New Green Saving Programme from 2013 is further described in this article.

Ing. Roman Januška, vedoucí oddělení přípravy staveb, Pozemní stavitelství Zlín a.s.

There are two kinds of urinals – those which are separated and those which are not separated by optical barrier. The aim of the paper is to rediscover an urinal panel as a symbolical separation of side-by-side standing men, boys. After a brief introduction of fixtures for in-standing-position pissing follows the description of the present state in chosen gentlemen´s toilets.

Ing. Josef Remeš, Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav automatizace inženýrských úloh a informatiky

Article is a summary requirements about number of equipment for sanitary spaces. Table contains requested number of toilets, urinals, washbasins, etc. for specific operations and buildings. Source for number of equipment for sanitary spaces determine Czech regulations.

wellness doma
doc. Ing. Zdeňka Lhotáková, CSc., Fakulta architektury VUT v Brně

The houses or apartments where there is enough space, can be equipped with individual spa facilities - saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools, etc. But where there is not enough space, you can create relax zone in bathroom with some multifunctional elements.

Ing. Jan Sedlář, ČVUT v Praze Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

The author compares use of heat pump with solar systems serving for heating hot water for a block of flats in Prague, in his study. The meteorological data from the station Prague-Karlov and the program developed in the framework of a diploma work are taken for the comparison. The comparison is elaborated both from the energy point of view and economically from an orientation view.

Ing. Martin Kny, Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.

This paper is focused on hot water tanks for long-term heat storage. Describes the design of the tanks and and their properties. The evaluation of tanks is based on the results of real systems. Tanks are mainly used for solar systems with long-term heat storage. The use of solar systems with long-term heat storage for building opens new possibilities for further savings of energy from non-renewable sources.

úprava vody, kvalita vody
Michal Třeška, EuroClean s.r.o.

It solves the hardness of the water, caused by the content of dissolved minerals and iron and manganese, which is mainly due to technological glitches. Water is the natural habitats of microorganisms, which include bacteria. Nitrates, which are a common and dangerous problem especially in water pumped from wells.

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