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Povrchové vsakování dešťové vody z komunikací do zasakovacích průlehů
Bc. Ondřej Nehasil, ČSOP Koniklec, Poradce ekoporadny; PROJEKTIVA CZ s.r.o., projektant TZB

Manage of rainwater is turning into ecological necessity. Altough rules for absorbing rainwater into soil is effective since 2009, rainwater is still understanded as problem, where is quick-and-cheap solution preferred. Most people doesn‘t know size of problems wich can be caused by current attitude.

Ing. Petr Blasinski, doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D

This article presents monitoring of internal heat-humidity microclimate in the bathroom of a typical family house. The text presents the results of measurement confronted with the requirements of current legislation. Temperature and humidity are the basic components of internal microclimate and as such contribute significantly to indoor air quality in residential and civic buildings. If the measured room bathrooms, whose character says that it will lead to significant gains water is then necessary to pay attention to the humidity. This may be their high value negatively affect the health of users indirectly by creating conditions for development of microorganisms and fungi. High humidity also has influence on some structures, the sensitivity to this aspect of the microclimate of a variant of the materials vary. The text presents the results of measurements which took place from 19.02.2011 to 06.14.2011.

vsakování srážkové vody
RNDr. Jana Krejsová, radní Jihočeského kraje

Current and future use of rainwater in urban and rural areas with a dense network of residential and industrial buildings, including paved surfaces, can be transformed from the standard of environmentally and economically non-viable leads into sewers or waterways to capture this source of water through infiltration to the soil of the specific hydrogeological site.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Jelínek, CSc.

The paper is to highlight the cunning of material use with risk of corrosion that requires an increased measures to achieve a number of parameters in the design and operation of pipe networks. Even when all laws and regulations, guidelines or recommendations are met, life time does not reach the anticipated 50 years.

úspory elektrické energie
Miroslav Haluza, Jan Macháček

At a European level a Directive of the European Parliament and Council 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD) has been released in 2010 whereas the main requirement is to reduce energy consumption in buildings (replacing 2002/91/EC). A set of European standards have been issued for its implementation, eg EN 15232 Energy performance of buildings - Impact of automation, control and management of buildings. In the Czech Republic the Directive was implemented by Act No. 406/2000 Coll. energy management and decree 148/2007 on the energy performance of buildings. The current global trend is characterized by promoting energy efficient technologies. The aim of this work is to summarize domestic household consumption, it´s prediction and analysis of potential energy savings by using the wiring system (BACS).

Ing. Gabriel Markovič, Ústav pozemného staviteľstva, SvF, TU v Košiciach

The article is a contribution to the issue of rainwater infiltration from surface runoff and describes how to design infiltration shafts. The most important indicator is the absorption coefficient in the subsoil, respectively at the point where infiltration devices is placed. The coefficient of permeability of soil expresses the velocity in m/s, the rainwater flows through a certain type of environment, ie soil.

Ing. Jakub Vrána, Ph.D., Ústav TZB, Fakulta stavební VUT v Brně

Some currently manufactured pipe systems have fittings thats design causes big pressure loss. It is especially fittings having a smaller internal diameter than the inner diameter of the tubes that they connect. It is necessary during the calculation to consider the actual pressure loss of fittings.

Ing. Zdeněk Žabička, Dr. Ing. Zdeněk Pospíchal

In recent years, there have been faults in construction (mainly pitting) on galvanized steel pipe. Apparently it is lost historical memory. A similar situation was in the years 1960-1970. Based on faults of interior galvanized steel water pipes with pitting corrosion, various technical measures were adopted.

doc. Ing. Zuzana Vranayová, PhD., Ing. Daniela Očipová

The themes can be summarized as - water saving, quality and use of rainwater, reuse of waste water, problems with pressure flushing, noise from pipes, influence of outlet fittings on water consumption.

Ing. Renata Biela, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Kučera, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Vosáhlo

Arsenic is an element that occurs in both organic and inorganic form. Inorganic arsenic mostly gets into water by washing and weathering of rocks, from wastewater and atmospheric deposition. It is very often a normal part of underground and surface waters. Been shown to have carcinogenic effects.

doc. Ing. Ján Takács, PhD., Stavebná fakulta STU Bratislava Katedra technického zariadenia budov

The use of GE depends on the predisposition source, namely geothermal boreholes. The use itself is different when using the heat for heating, hot water, heating greenhouses and plastic greenhouses (agricultural), recreation facilities, but also for various technologies. The inclusion of monitoring and control system for an open geothermal energy system is achieved by taking friendly geothermal water and substantially increases the life of the whole work.

doc. Ing. Jana Peráčková, PhD., Ing. Lenka Jágerská (Laščeková)

Design of roof drainage vacuum system is based on the principle of hydraulic fluid flow. If you comply with all the basic rules, and set boundary conditions, it is expected that the proposed system will work. Given that the design of vacuum system is very difficult, even technically, designers often use direct supplier systems.

doc. Ing. Petr Hlavínek, CSc., Ing. Radim Mifek

This article summarizes the findings about the quality and quantity of waste water at the outlet of gravity and alternative methods of drainage and the subsequent impact of water to the WWTP. Results of monitored indicators vary depending on the type of sanitation, especially in indicators BSK5, CHSK and N-NH4+ thus the indicators that are affected by oxidation-reducing conditions in the sewer.

Ing. Jan Moronga, prof. Ing. Blahoslav Maršálek, CSc., Ing. Eliška Maršálková, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Palčík, Ph.D.

The problem of pollution of surface water by nutrients, especially phosphorus and consequences of mass development of cyanobacteria is becoming increasingly serious. Excessive intake of nutrients and organic matter deposition leads to deterioration of water quality and leads to the development of cyanobacteria and thereby to reduce the recreational use of reservoirs as well as other use.

Vladimíra Henelová, Michael Ten Donkelaar

IPMVP is a framework of definitions and methods established for the proper assessment of energy consumption or consumption or water. IPMVP provides guidance for users in developing plans for M & V (measurement and verification) for specific projects.

Ing. Tomáš Kučera, Ph.D., Ing. Dušan Kadula, Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav vodního hospodářství obcí

The true value of the water demand is needed for the optimized design of the water mains, their planning, development and rehabilitation too. In the case of large cities or towns, the standard approaches can be used. Whereas for the small municipalities, the water demand evaluation is too difficult for their individuality. The paper deals with some approaches to evaluate the water demand for small municipalities on the base of some measurements at chosen water supply systems.

Ing. Renata Biela, Ph.D., Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav vodního hospodářství obcí

Gray water use system in buildings is not only suitable for new buildings, but also for buildings under reconstruction. However, it is necessary to calculate the profitability of gray water use for each building separately.

Ing. Karel Mayer, Ing. Martin Pexa, Ph.D., Ing. Zdeněk Aleš, Ph.D., Ing. Libor Weinfurtner

Quality product is dependent on reliable and serviceable manufacturing facility, which is influenced by effective and timely performed maintenance. In order to check the operating parameters it is possible to use vibrodiagnostics, tribodiagnostics, termodiagnostics, non-destructive testing methods and others. It's difficult to choose the right moment to implement maintenance inspection in order to exploit the whole equipment life time and reduced risk of breakdown failure. The fundamental rules for determining the maintenance measurement interval in the diagnostic management system has not been established. Therefore, the emphasis is on determining the interval for measuring of the implementation of periodic data collection, which is more often used than the on-line diagnostic systems for secondary production techniques and technologies with a parallel backup. Proposal for a definition of the calculation of interval measurement is based on the assumption that the calculation must reproduce the behavior of the measured variables and dynamically respond to changes in the trend of damage. Technology has been chosen with a sufficient history of operations and maintenance, to check whether the model of the calculation of the dynamic range of measurement is usable in engineering practice and if it is sufficient enough be to manage and plan the maintenance action. To verify the model five pumps with three parallel backups were used. A major finding from these results is the fact that under the dynamic interval only four more measurements were made than if the measurements were carried out at regular intervals. Just the last four measurements before the outage was made within 31 days, which would normally correspond to one measurement interval. On the other hand, it is necessary under the regular intervals to verify the step change of measured values. This difference in the number of measurements compensated in practice is usually equal to the number of measurements in dynamic mode interval. If based on the premise that the number of measurements under the dynamic range is the same as at regular intervals and use this method in this direction "zero cost" essential contribution is primarily the cost savings on storage of spare parts and reduce the likelihood of other costs with overtime up to 60% compared with measurements carried out at regular intervals. Undeniable contribution to maintenance is also a fact that by making a service action with the deployment of dynamic range measurements, it can even closer determine real life time of bearing and it is possible to use of the maximum potential production of equipment.

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